Friday 29 April 2011

Down with the doomtalkers!

There's always one (or, if you're unlucky, more than one).
If you have a big day planned for tomorrow and it is very important that the weather will be good, no matter where you are there will always be THAT guy who will say:"Oh, but tomorrow is going to rain", and right there and then you know it. You know that it doesn't matter that the weather forecast is sunny and that it hasn't been raining for weeks and it's full summer and that there's not only single cloud in the sky of the whole country.... it's going to rain. And it does!
Congratulations my friend, you've met the DOOMTALKER!
Every single word uttered by these individuals is pregnant with biblical doom.
And it goes for other things too, not only the weather unfortunately! They have a whole repertoire of bad things that are going to unfold in the most unpredictable ways.
Say you have to buy a car. You do your homework and shop around, consult friends and family about good brands and bad brands, read all the magazines and watch "Top Gear" every day.
In the end you really need it, so you decide to go for it and buy one.
No matter what car you've bought, the doomtalker will say:"Oh, I've heard that it breaks down a lot".
I give you 2 weeks before you'll have to call the road service to pick you up because your precious thing won't start.....
You've invested some money? "I heard it's going to blow". You've applied for a job? "I heard they'll give it to the other guy". You're going on your dream holiday? "I've seen this document on tv where a guy was attacked by a shark".
Sometimes it's just mild things. You're going to buy something nice in a shop. "I think it's closed today". You're making a reservation for 2 tickets for a game. "It's sold out".
I'm telling you, there's no limit to the power of these guys.
Now, see, in my culture you don't say these things. If someone you know has something planned for tomorrow you don't say it's going to rain.
Not even if the sky is all grey with threatening clouds and you've seen Noah pushing couples of animals in the Ark.
You just don't say it!!!! If you're not comfortable with saying a white lie you just say:"Let's hope for good weather!", or you just shut up!
Why? Because maybe everyone knows that it's going to rain and they don't need you to ruin the last bit of hope left by saying it out loud with that authoritative tone that leaves no room for arguments!
Do you really want to be the hated guy? The guy that no one invites at the parties because he'll say something that will make the host cry! The guy no one goes to for a piece of advise cause they know they'll end up wanting to kill themselves. The guy no one tells important things cause they're scared he's going to ruin it for them.
I say enough with the doomtalkers! From now on every time someone is going to say:"Oh, but tomorrow is going to rain" I'm going to asnwer:"Nope, it's going to be super nice weather, the sun is going to shine the whole day and it will be the best day of my life!"
"That car is going to break down" --- "Nope, it's the best car in the world and it's going to last forever!"
"That investment is going to blow" --- "Nope, it's going to quadruple my money!"
"That shop is closed" --- "Nope, it's open 24/7"
"That guy was attacked by a shark" --- "Cool, I've killed 99 sharks so far, I can't wait to get to an even 100!"
"They're giving the job to the other guy" --- "Nope, I've just been offered the position but I turned it down cause I've received a better offer!".
Got the gist?
Of course none of these things are real, if it has to rain it will rain no matter what you say, but maybe after a dozen times you answer like that the doomtalker will start to lose his power and he will eventually desist!!!
And if it doesn't work, in Italy we have a way to exorcise doomtalkers by closing our fist and keeping the index finger and the pinkie straight, we call them "le corna", try, that will do!

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